11 things tag post ☆

So my dear friend Sarah has tagged me in for this so here I go...

Here are the rules of this tag :

- You must post these rules.
- Each person must post 11 things about themselves on their blog.
- Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post, and create 11 new questions for the people you tag to answer.
- You have to choose 11 people to tag and link them on the post.
- Go to their page and tell them you have linked him or her.
- No tag backs.
- No stuff in the tagging section about 'you are tagged if you are reading this.' You legitimately have to tag 11 people.

So here's 11 things about myself...

  1. Even though I have loads of bear, there's only 1 I can't sleep without and that's my Theo Bear. I take him everywhere with me, even to London or Japan.
  2. I have a big obsession with Marvel comics and anything related to the Marvel heroes.
  3. I'm not a very active person, but I really love to watch sports, apart from football, that's quite boring.
  4. Romance film/stories make me very uncomfortable.
  5. I chew the skin off my lips and sometimes eat it.
  6. I have legit only really loved 1 of my ex's and I think I still do.
  7. The thought of me becoming a responsible adult or a mother scares me.
  8. I have never planned for the future and don't plan on doing it now.
  9. To this day, I still cry when Widow Tweed leaves Tod in the wild in Disney's Fox and the Hound.
  10. The Donkey Aid adverts and the ones with the bears who went insane always make me cry, yet the ones with the Africans don't.
  11. I am a social retard.

Now to answer Sarah's questions:

Q. Why did you start blogging?
A. Because I was afraid of forgetting fun memories, then it became a habit.

Q. What do you do when you can't think of anything interesting to blog about?
A. I walk round the house looking for inspiration and maybe pester my sister while she's watching Buffy... Then in the end, I just don't bother blogging and go watch Buffy with my sister.

Q. Do you have a job or are you still studying?
A. I have a part time job at Matalan. I've had this job for 2 years and even though it's shit, I can't see myself working else where, and trust me, I've tried. It just feels awkward.

Q. What's your favourite product recently?
A. Probably my Nivea Pearly Shine lip balm. It had a nice subtle colour to it and it doesn't irritate my lips as much as lipstick.

Q. Online Shopping or traditional shopping? Why?
A. I do a bit of both really... I shop online when I'm not at work, because I just sit at home most of the time and I do traditional shopping after work, because it's just easy to do.

Q. Do you have any brothers or sisters? What do they think of your blog?
A. I have 3 sisters, 1 of them thinks I'm weird, 1 thinks it's really good and the other one doesn't care.

Q. What is the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you?
A. ...Going out in public? LOL! I joke, there's too many... My recent one was almost getting into my friends car thinking it was my mums XD

Q. Which blog do you visit daily or most often?
A. Ali's and Sarah's probably and no I'm not being cheesy, it's true. I just love having a nosy at what's going on.

Q. Describe your own personality?
A. Some people say sweet/cute, some say funny, some say strange and some say tom-boy but me, I just think I'm normal.

Q. What is something you can't live without?
A. Theo... There's nothing worse than me after a bad night... If I manage to sleep that it.

Q. Which country would you like to visit the most?
A. Japan (again) mainly for Osaka. I have a strange thing for the Kansai accent and I really want to try proper Kansai takoyaki.

Can you please answer the same questions as me. I'm too lazy to think think of new ones, thank you.

So who am I going to tag in this? ...Let's see... Suki, Rosi and Iku. I don't have enough friends to make it 11 tags, sorry.

I hope you've all learned at least 1 new thing about me!

1 comment:

  1. Toniiiii \o/
    Thanks for the Tag!
    I'll do it, I promise ;D
    even I have no one to tag =P

    hope you're fine.
    love x <3
