
So my friend Sarah posted a blog today about a twitter trend called #50thingsIlove which I thought was really interesting. Not only that, but I love being nosey. But I've also decided give it ago, so here, why don't you have a nosey at mine too...

  1. Tea
  2. Music
  3. Bright Colours
  4. Alice Nine
  5. Being with friends and family
  6. Watching horror movies
  7. Kamen Rider
  8. Finding new hair and make-up styles that suit me
  9. The brand CocoLulu
  10. Sports anime/manga
  11. ANYTHING pirate related
  12. Cake
  13. Hiroto
  14. Watching Disney movies with my mum
  15. KFC after a long Saturday shift
  16. Marvel comics... Spider-Man/X-Men/Fantastic 4
  17. Having light saber fights with my 4 year old cousin
  18. My laptop, I named him Paul
  19. Playing dress up on a regular day, just because I can
  20. Doctor Who!
  21. Spring and Summer fashion
  22. Tattoos and piercings
  23. My bed
  24. My Theo bear, he comes everywhere with me and I can't sleep without him
  25. My phone
  26. Falling a sleep listening to Coldplay
  27. D☆DATE/D-BOY's
  28. Most (if not all) Ikuta Toma dramas and movies
  29. My collection of bus/train/tram/coach/convention/gig tickets
  30. Violins, Cellos and other classical instruments 
  31. Seeing other people passionately working towards their dreams
  32. My over active imagination, I get to see things in a different light
  33. Having the ability to make people laugh, even when they're down
  35. Chasing my cat around the room, for fun
  36. Pinku! Project
  37. Having fun obsessive conversations with friends
  38. Mexican heatwave Doritos and orange Tango
  39. Adam Sandler movies
  40. Kanako Kawabata, she's so pretty
  41. Keeping fun photos and stickers from fun times with my friends
  42. Seeing bands I love live in person
  43. Maids... I've got a full on maid obsession
  44. When people make the smallest attempts to make me happy
  45. Trying new fashion styles
  46. Old British TV shows like Young Ones, Red Dwarf, Only Fools & Horses
  47. Goodbye hugs with my closest friends
  48. Doing random doodles
  49. My growing shoe collection
  50. My alone time, where I watch anime/dramas/movies or singing and dancing to my music

Well there we go, it took me a long time to write all this down because it's hard to think about what I like, but I also hope you all do this, since it's interesting and let me know if you do it, because I'd love to be nosey.

I hope you enjoy it.

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