A personal post...

I thought I'd compare an old photo of me showing my "muscle" from 2011 to one taken today. To most of you it won't be too impressive, but to me, it really is a big deal.

Back then I was unhealthily underweight and found it hard to gain any. I was teased a lot about it and I felt very uncomfortable with myself, I wasn't happy at all, but in the past year and half I've finally been able to gain the weight I wanted to and I'm feeling much happier with myself and I feel healthier too. 

Sure I'm starting to get a bit of a tummy now, but now it just means I've got to start working hard to keep myself at this weight and to not end up back to where I was, but on the opposite end of the stick, if you know what I mean.

But please remember, just because someone looks super skinny to you, think before you speak because even jokes like "do you even eat?" can really hurt, especially if you're a big eater like me.

Well that's it from me for now.
Thank you for reading.


  1. Congrats on your weight gain!! :D
    You're looking great


    1. Thank you. (^_^)
      I really wasn't sure about posting it at first, but then I thought, there's loads of posts about losing weight, so why not one about gaining it?

  2. well done honey! You should be proud you are looking great *-*

    1. Thank you (^_^)
      I never realised how skinny I was but I do prefer myself now I've filled out a little. I feel more confident now.
