Halloween costume test

Hey guys, Halloween is coming up and as you all may know is that I sure do love Halloween and well, any excuse to dress up really.

Now at first I wasn't sure what to dress up as this time because I kept changing my mind and got loads of other ideas. It was crazy. Then after a while I settled with the Frankenstein's Monster idea, not only that but I also wanted to play with scar wax and fake blood.

I was invited to go to a family Halloween party, which was a great chance to test my costume out.

Here it is. I had the hair and make-up sorted out in my head and got it down so perfectly, but I couldn't decide what clothes to wear with the outfit.

The choices were either a dress, knee high socks and lolita shoes or something more casual like shorts, t-shirt, ripped tights and biker boots maybe. I tried them both out and it was so hard to choose but in the end, I decided on this...

I decided to add a suit jacket too, with big shoulder pads for the old Frankenstein's Monster look.

I went to my cousin's party and everyone loved my outfit, make-up and shoes. Apparently, they were expecting something like this from me, which I thought was a little strange, but at the same time, just loved the attention. I didn't stay long though because I wasn't feel too well.

Now as much as I loved the scar wax, it doesn't actually set and started to drip down my face along with the blood. It still looked very effective with the melty face though, or at least, I think it did. Oh and by the way, the bolts are glued on with eyelash glue and the hair clips I'm wearing are from one of the many £1 shops in my town.

Well that's all for now, until actual Halloween probably. Thanks for reading.

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