My Birthday Celebrations Part 3.


Here I am, giving you the final part of my birthday celebrations and this one is all about the Harry Potter themed party I had...

Okay, so let me start with reminding you that I asked for a Harry Potter themed party for my 29th birthday. A lot of people at work kept giving me weird looks when I'd mention what I was doing and my age, but screw them, I can do what I want, lol.

After Sarah and I came back from shopping in Leeds, we had to go straight up stairs to get changed and wasn't allowed down stairs until I was told otherwise, so I had loads of photos taken with Sarah.

This is what I made my Hufflepuff seifuku for btw...

There were a lot  of photos of me and Sarah, so I'm only showing my favourite one.

Once allowed downstairs I got to see all the effort the other half and my friends had put into the whole thing and I was so surprised.

The door had Platform 9 3/4's logo on and the room had loads of ballons, wands and Harry Potter cups and plates everywhere. Not only that but they really tried with all the food too. My friend made chocolate frogs and golden snitch cake pops.

There's the family skeleton, Jeff, gaurding the cake because I wasn't allowed to see it until the light the candels for me, which were mini firework candels. I was so surprised by the cake, my friend works so hard to make the cake look very accurate, although she states she'll never bake me one again, lol.

After all the food and everyone singing to me, I got to open all my presents, which were almosts all Harry Potter/Hufflepuff related, which made me very happy.

As the night went on, the drunker I got, because they thought it would be a good idea to get me tequilla, which is a weakness, lol. There were only 3 sober people by the end of the night and as far as I know, only 2 of us drunkards were ill the next day, lol, that does include myself by the way.
Here are the drunk photos for you all...

Well, that's all from my party and the end of the final part of my birthday posts, hope you liked it.

Also, thank you to my fiance, Rob, my friends Courtney, Simper, Bill, Sarah, Stacey, Alex and Joe, as well as my sister, Lolly and her other half, Kenny for sorting the whole thing out and for making it such a drunken, yet rememberal night. I really apperciate all the time and effort that went into this night. I love you all.

Thanks for reading xx


  1. Wowwww such an amazing party, and I love your seifuku outfit! Glad to know a new HP fan! ^^

    1. Thank you. ��
      I sm still so pleased with my seifuku, as it’s the first time I’ve sewn a full outfit for myself. I usually make dolls clothes.
      And yes! More HP fan-friends is always a bonus!
