"Why can't you stick with one colour for more than a few months?"


So, I'm not sure if the title gave it away but I may have changed my hair yet again.

Now let me explain to you what happened and maybe you'll understand why it changed again, but I honestly doubt you will, especially since my partner doesn't even get it, lol.

But here goes...

I decided in May that I was going to cosplay Raven from Teen Titans at York Unleashed, which is always in August and since I don't want to wear a wig I need to keep my hair purple, but the last time I did my roots, they were a little orange and the purple didn't take too well to it.

As you can see in this photo.

So instead of just using a blonde dye, like I usually do, I decided to use the Olia* bleach instead, which worked well for my roots but turned my hair almost white.

At first I was like "ooh, elf hair" but after a few hours it just started to weird me out and by the time the next day came I hated it. I had work and didn't want to go looking like that, so I thought I'd try a pastel purple, I'd been thinking about trying pastel for a while and this would be the best time to try it.


I either added too much purple or not enough conditioner into the mix, so it was a little darker than I was wanting. Not only that but I didn't make enough, so I had a few patches at the back, but who's going to notice that?

I also completely missed out the fringe, so I decided to just use some of the green I've got from previous hair adventures.

and this look was born...

It didn't turn out too bad considering everything went wrong.

The only down side to this shade of purple is that when I wake up sometimes, I looks like a cheap wig you get off eBay for £5.

See what I mean? Lol!

I mist admit, the day before that photo, I had my hair in space-buns, which won't have helped.

Anyway, this is going to be temporary because I need it back dark purple in time for the convention, otherwise my cosplay won't look right.

So what do you think? Should I go back to this after the con? Let me know in the comments.

Thanks for reading!

*This brand of bleach doesn't damage/fry my hair like others do.

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