Leeds German Christmas Market 2019.

Hey guys.

Last weekend I went into Leeds to do some Christmas shopping with Rob and we remember the German Christmas market was on, so we decided to go have a little look around.

Now before I talk about the day we had, let me show you my full outfit and face.

As you can tell, I'm wearing a lot of black and red lately there's 2 reasons behind it:

1) Since the MCR announcement, I've been channelling my 15 year old emo self.
2) I've been trying to incorporate more goth, emo, rokku styled stuff into my daily looks because I already have all the stuff but rarely wear any of it and I want that to change, so here I am.

...Let's get back on track...

We did the usually shopping round like The Apple Store, Primark, HMV, Forbidden Planet, Lego Store, H&M and Select, all I bought was denim skirt, which I don't have a photo of yet.

Days before we went into Leeds, I had already decided we were going to Taco Bell for dinner, because I love tacos, so we went and I treated Rob. We got the meal for 2 because it's cheap, lol.

There was an awkward moment where I said "I love you" to a taco and Rob said "I love you too".

After food, we went into CEX and Game, he bought an Xbox One and I've become obsessed with Sunset Overdrive. then we remembered the Christmas market, so walked over to it.

As soon as we got there, he got a pint and I went for a rum hot chocolate.

Look how cute the little boot mug is, I kept mine.

As we walked around, I saw the local lolita group having a meet up, so I obviously went over to tell them how pretty they all were and stuff. Gotta love them girls, even if I don't actually know them, they're just so friendly.

I also got some candy floss, because I am 100% a massive child.

It was bigger than my head!!!

We stood to one side as I scoffed that monster and I laughed at all the kids that walked past me having a good stare and begging their parents for one. One mum had to actually push their kid to keep walking past because he stopped and watching in awe as I tackled the beast.

It brought me so much joy, as you can see.

I didn't think to get a photo of the market until we were leaving it, so this is all I got.

It is honestly so wonderful. It does look better/magical at night, but that's when it get busier and I can't handle that anymore.

Anyway, this is where I finish up and say thank you...

So thank you all for reading, as always.

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