The Making of a Magical Girl Part 4.


This is the final part of making my Cardcaptor cosplay.

And before I show you all my cosplay photos, I want to tell you all why this cosplay is such a big deal to me and why I chose the cat costume out of all of them.

The Making of a Magical Girl Part 3.


Okay, so I must admit, this was only gonna be a 2 or 3 parter, but it's turned into a 4 parter because I didn't realise how much I'd actually done for it.

But anyway, here is part 3, which is going to be about making the actual costume.

I looked online to buy the costume, but every one I found either didn't have my size, was the wrong shade of pink or had certain detailing that just looked a little off to me.

The Making of a Magical Girl Part 2.


So here I am with part 2 of my 4 part Cardcaptor cosplay post and this one is going to be about styling the wig and making the little parts for the cosplay.

I think the best place to start will be the wig.

The Making of a Magical Girl Part 1.


If you read my preview post you'll know I'm doing a big 4 parter all about how and why I made my Cardcaptor Sakura cosplay and to start if all off, today's post will be about making the sealing wand.